I am an early-stage PhD student at the Computer Science Department of Missouri S&T (Missouri University of Science and Technology), specializing in theoretical quantum computing. My academic journey began in Photonics, but my deep passion for mathematics and quantum computing inspired me to gradually transition into theoretical research.

Over the years, I have dedicated myself to building a strong foundation in mathematics and quantum computing through self-learning and independent study. Platforms like Mathematics and Quantum Computing Stack Exchange have been invaluable in this process, allowing me to engage with global communities, tackle challenging problems, and develop a structured understanding of complex concepts. Navigating this unconventional path has required resilience and perseverance to overcome both uncertainty and criticism, making the journey profoundly rewarding and fulfilling.

Feel free to navigate through the Learning Journey section to explore my notes, insights, and resources that have fueled my learning journey.


  • Mathematical Constructs of Quantum Computing
  • Classical and Quantum Algorithms
  • Advanced Linear Algebra and Group Theory


🎓 PhD in Computer Science (Theoretical Quantum Computing)
Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2023 Fall - Present

🎓 Integrated MSc in Photonics
Cochin University of Science and Technology, 2017

Stack Exchange Highlights

I have actively contributed to Mathematics Stack Exchange and Quantum Computing Stack Exchange, solving challenging problems, engaging in insightful discussions, and deepening my understanding of advanced mathematical and quantum computing concepts.

Mathematics Stack Exchange

Reputation: 7,930
Questions: 393
Answers: 57
Reached: 858k

Example Contribution:

Prove \( |f(y) − f(x)| \leq f(|y − x|) \) if \( |y − x| \leq \frac{1}{2} \) given \( f(x) = -x\log_2 x \) – Analyzed the behavior of the inequality and provided a bound with detailed steps and reasoning.

Quantum Computing Stack Exchange

Reputation: 891
Posts: 35
Overall Rank: #160
Reached: 12k

Example Contribution:

Derivation of Efficiency of Phase Estimation Algorithm – Explored and analyzed the derivation of efficiency bounds for the phase estimation algorithm.

Relevant Coursework

  • CS 5001 Introduction to Quantum Computing
  • MATH 6108 Applied Matrix Theory
  • MATH 5105 Modern Algebra I (Group Theory)
  • CS 5200 Analysis of Algorithms
  • CS 5001 Probability and Its Applications in Computing
  • CS 6204 Applied Graph Theory
  • Quantum Optics

Online Certifications

Projects and Publications

Coursework Projects

  • Enhanced the proof for the Simplicity of the Alternating Group $A_n$ by developing intermediate mathematical steps and bridging reasoning gaps.
  • Analyzed the paper “A Simple Method for Sampling Random Clifford Operators,” a focus on sampling techniques and their relevance to quantum algorithms.


  • Analytically Solvable Models of Bosons in a Double Well Potential, Project Student (Jan-May 2016), Dr. C. M. Chandrashekar, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), India
  • Bosons in a triple-well potential: Exact results via Multi-configurational Time-dependent Hartree for Bosons, Project Student (Dec 2014-June 2015), Prof. Saurabh Basu, IIT Guwahati, India
  • Studies on Solvation and Rotational Relaxation of Organic Solutes in Imadazolium-based Room Temperature Ionic Liquids, Summer Student (May-July 2012), Dr. Moloy Sarkar, NISER, India
  • Fluorescent quenching of Rhodamine 6G in Methyl Methacrylate by laser ablated gold nanoparticles, Project Student (Dec 2011-May 2012), Dr. M. Kailasnath, CUSAT, India


  • S. Sebastian, S. Sooraj, A. Aaryan, J. Peter, V. P. Namboori, and C. P. G. Vallaban, "Impact of laser ablated gold nanoparticles on absorption and fluorescence of Rhodamine 6G in Methyl Methacrylate," in 2012 International Conference on Optical Engineering (ICOE), Belgaum, India, 2012, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/ICOE.2012.6409575.
  • S. Sebastian, A. Aaryan, S. Sooraj, V. P. N. Namboori and M. Kailasnath, “Pulsed laser ablation in Methyl Methacrylate to produce spherical gold nanoparticles and fluorescent nanodots,” 2012 International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics (PHOTONICS), Chennai, India, 2012, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.1364/PHOTONICS.2012.MPo.39.

Teaching Assistant Experience

  • CS1500 Computational Problem Solving (Python Lab) | Fall 2024, Spring 2025
  • CS1200 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science | Spring 2024


Sooraj Soman
PhD Student, Computer Science Department
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Rolla, MO - 65401, United States
Email: ss4kx@mst.edu, soorajss1729@gmail.com